PETALING JAYA: With more than 30 years of experience in the construction industry, Purcon Group is confident of doing well with its maiden highend project in Bukit Segambut, its general manager Angie Tan said.“Despite it being our first such project, we have already been involved in the construction of several high-end properties, including semi-dees and bungalows in Glomac Bhd’s Aman Suria and the show unit in Changkat Kiara by Plenitude Kiara Bhd,” she told theSun. The freehold development, known as Laman Damansari, will comprise 16 units of 3- storey semi-dees and two units of 3-storey bungalows, priced between RM1.6 million and RM3.8 million, with built-ups from 3,800 sq ft to 5,800 sq ft.Scheduled for launching by the end of this year, the project has a gross development value (GDV) of RM40 million.Tan said the properties would be built based on a zero-defect concept, where purchasers would require minimal renovations. “Although we aim to launch the project in November, we expect the show house to be ready for viewing in August,” she added.
(The Sun 25-2-2008)