Apart from Sutera Damansara, OSK Property has another project in the pipeline.“We have a high-end development planned on Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, for which we have submitted the plans for approval,” said Wong, adding that the development will be a high-rise luxury condo within the KLCC area. The GDV is yet to be finalised.One of OSK Property’s ongoing developments, Taman Sri Banyan has recently been completed. “We are applying for Certificate of Fitness (CF) now and will handover in April,” said Wong. Located in Country Heights, Kajang, the luxury bungalow project was launched in July 2007.Out of 16 bungalow units, eight have been sold, while all 10 semidee units have been sold. The bungalow units are tagged at RM2 million each while the semidees are tagged at RM1.2 million each. According to Wong, the freehold project attracted buyers from the Klang Valley, Bukit Jalil and Kuala Lumpur areas and most of them are professionals and local businessmen.He attributes this to the accessibility of Country Heights to Kuala Lumpur via the KL-Seremban Highway.There will be a promotional event tomorrow at Taman Sri Banyan between 5pm and 9pm.OSK Property’s other projects include Mont’Jade, a series of hillside bungalows in Seremban and Seremban 3, a freehold township where it recently launched 36 units of 1-storey shoplots early this month.OSK Property’s flagship project, said Wong, is the 2,500-acre township named Bandar Puteri Jaya in Sungai Petani, Kedah.Launched in 1999, the development is approximately 50% developed.
(The Sun 21-3-2008)