The "KL Wireless Metropolitan" or "Wireless@KL" project to transform Kuala Lumpur into a "wireless city" with world-class communication channels will begin in May, city mayor Datuk Ab. Hakim Borhan said yesterday.“In line with the Wireless@KL project, a community website, KUL.COM.MY, will also be set up and updated regularly to provide the relevant information to city dwellers,” Ab.Hakim told reporters after the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) on the Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur portal project between Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and Synapse Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd.The agreement is under the initiative of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) on behalf of the government, which has provided a grant of RM500,000 to City Hall for the purpose.On December 17 last year, City Hall signed a memorandum of understanding on Wireless@KL with MCMC and Packet One Networks (M) Sdn Bhd to enhance broadband facilities for City Hall offices and community centres and both public and residential areas in the Klang Valley by 2010."Wireless@KL uses WiMAX technology and for the first phase of this project 1,500 Wi-Fi zones will be developed,” Ab. HAkim said. He also said the KUL.COM.MY portal will be a “one-stop source of information” on Kuala Lumpur for people in and out of the country. The information will cover social, development, economic, trade, education, entertainment, tourism and other aspects, he said.Ab. Hakim said the portal will use the “broad spectrum approach” where it will collate and upgrade information from various sources for user convenience.